Duties of Committees, Councils and Ministry Teams

From the Nominating Committee




Section 1. ELECTION

The Clerk shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and

elected by the Church annually and may succeed one’s self. It shall be

the Clerk’s responsibility to attend or be represented at all Church

business meetings, to keep an accurate record of all business

transactions, to prepare the Annual Church Profile, and to see that it is

properly transmitted to the Associational Clerk. The Clerk shall see

that all officers, members of committees, and messengers are notified

of their election or appointment, shall issue letters of dismission as

authorized by the Church, preserve all papers and valuable records and

letters that belong to the Church, and preserve a true history of the

Church, keeping same in a safe place.

Section 2. DUTIES

It shall be the duty of the Clerk to see that an accurate roll of the

Church membership is kept, the dates and methods of admission and

dismission, change in name, correct mailing addresses and other

pertinent information about each member. The Clerk shall serve, if

and when necessary, as the Secretary of the corporation, acting only as

authorized by the Church.



The Assistant Clerk shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected

by the Church annually and may succeed one’s self. The Assistant Clerk shall

function under the direction of the Clerk and shall serve as Clerk in the absence or

disability of the Clerk.



The Treasurer shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by

the Church annually and may succeed one’s self. It shall be the duty of the

Treasurer to receive and disburse by check upon proper authority all money or

assets that are given to the church in accordance with instructions from the

Church. The Treasurer shall keep at all times an itemized account of all receipts

and disbursements, rendering an account regularly to the Church to be preserved

by the Church Clerk. All books, records, and accounts kept by the Treasurer shall

be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee. This position shall be a

member of the Investment Committee and shall be bonded.



The Assistant Treasurer shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and

elected by the Church annually and may succeed one’s self. The Assistant

Treasurer shall function under the direction of the Treasurer and shall serve as

Treasurer in the absence or disability of the Treasurer. This position shall be




The Church Historian shall be nominating by the Nominating Committee and

elected by the Church annually and may succeed one’s self. The Church

Historian will be responsible for keeping an up-to-date history of the Church and

record any changes made in the constitution throughout each year. The Church

Historian shall be a member of the Church History Committee.


The Associational Executive Committee shall be composed of one member serving as the Liaison

person to the Sandy Creek Baptist Association and one person serving as Alternate who are

nominated by the Nominating Committee to serve a three year term. They may not succeed

themselves for one year. These two nominees will serve with the Pastor to represent Jonesboro

Heights Baptist Church, Inc. at the Executive Board meetings of the Sandy Creek Baptist

Association, Inc.

Duties of the Liaison and Alternate

To serve as messenger representing the church at the Associational Executive

Board meetings which meets in January and July;

To provide information to the Church from the Association;

To provide information to the Associational staff that may be printed in the Associational

monthly newsletter. This information will inform the entire Association of what God is

doing in our church, which may inspire other churches in missions and evangelism.

To provide information to the Volunteer Enlistment Committee of gifted and talented

persons who might serve the Association in volunteer positions;


To report to the Church quarterly at regular business meetings.



The Audio/Visual Team members will be selected at the annual Ministry Fair and added

as needed throughout the year. Six to ten team members will serve a one (1) year term.

The Associate Pastor for Music and Education will be the coordinator.

The duties of the Audio/Visual Team shall be:

Operation and maintenance of sound and lighting equipment for worship services,

including regular and special services, weddings, and other church related functions upon


To recommend and procure, as directed by the Associate Pastor for Music and Education,

sound and lighting systems as needed to the church.

To coordinate A/V needs with other ministry teams or committees and make reports as

needed at church business meetings.



The Baptism Team Coordinator will be selected through the nomination process. In addition,

there will be three team members to serve a one (1) year term.

The Baptism Team shall:

Assist the Senior Pastor or the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry and the candidates

for baptism in the administration of the ordinance of baptism;

Preparing and maintaining the baptistery for the ordinance.



The Building & Grounds Team shall be composed of 12 members (1 year term), with the Chair

and Vice Chair to be nominated by the Nominating Committee.

Duties of the Building & Grounds Team shall be:

To constantly be aware of the condition of the buildings and grounds;

To see that proper maintenance is performed;

To study and determine specific needs and make recommendations pertaining to any

renovations/remodeling of buildings or major renovation of grounds deemed necessary

by the team to the church; and,

To consult with pertinent councils, teams, committees, and organizations to determine

their facility needs; present resulting recommendations to the church for approval;

Following approval, the team shall secure three (3) competitive bids on projects

exceeding $1,000.00 and use the most competitive bidder, unless justifiable reasons are

approved by the church; and,

To ascertain that before a project is started, the contractor has provided copies of

Workman’s Compensation and Liability Insurance.

It is the chairperson’s responsibility to ascertain that all climatic control systems are operating for

all regular and special services and are cut off after regular and special services and facilities

secured. This team will work with the Finance Committee to incorporate a budget to fund its

projected needs and activities. This team shall report to the church at regular business meetings.

Emergencies. This team is authorized to correct emergency projects costing less than $1,000.00.

The chairpersons of Deacons and Finance Committee and the Senior Pastor shall approve

emergency projects exceeding $1,000.00.

Contractual Services. This team shall develop detailed annual contracts for services, including

but not limited to, required for cleaning church facilities and grounds maintenance, and shall

supervise same in coordination with the Church Administrator. All contracts are approved by the

Fellowship of Deacons and executed by the Church Administrator.



The Children’s Ministry Team shall include the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry, who shall

be ex-officio, and include 9 team members. The chair is selected through the nominating process

and the 8 team members are selected through the annual Ministry Fair. It shall be the duties of

this team to plan, resource, coordinate, execute, and evaluate a comprehensive children’s

ministry. The Children’s Team and the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry will be involved in

the planning and implementation of any activity involving the children of the church. This team

will work with the Finance Committee to incorporate an annual budget for children’s activities.

This team shall meet once a month and shall report to the church at regular business meetings of

the church.

The Children’s Team, along with the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry shall provide the

following ministries:

Children’s Message – This message will be led during the 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship

service by the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry, by a member of the Children’s

Team, or a representative selected by the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry

/Children’s Team.

Children’s Worship – This worship experience will meet twice a month during the 11:00

A.M. Morning Worship service, unless otherwise announced, and will be available to all

children four years old through fifth grade.

Children’s Activities – Activities will be available as announced for children four years

old through fifth grade. These activities will endeavor to teach children spiritually and

help them develop a Christian lifestyle during these impressionable years. These

activities, also, will provide fellowship and entertainment for the children.

Parents/grandparents/guardians of children younger than first grade must accompany

their children to activities away from the church grounds. Guest invited for activities

shall be at the discretion of the Children’s Team.

Parent/Family Enrichment – There will be periodic opportunities made available to

support and encourage the nurturing of children and the family.

Vacation Bible School – The children’s portion of VBS will be coordinated by the

Associate Pastor of Family Ministry, the Children’s Ministry Team and the Nursery




The Christian Education Leadership Council shall be composed of:

Sunday School Director Youth/Student Sunday School Director

Assistant Sunday School Director Preschool Sunday School Director

Sunday School Secretary Children's Sunday School Director

Church Outreach Missions Director Senior Pastor

Discipleship Training Director Associate Pastor of Music/Education

Homebound Director Associate Pastor for Family Ministry

Adult Sunday School Director

The Sunday School Director shall serve as chairperson.

The Christian Education Leadership Council shall serve as a forum for leaders to:

Evaluate and establish goals;

Develop and execute action plans for the Sunday School and Discipleship Training;

Meet quarterly and more frequently as needed;

Work with the Finance Committee to incorporate a budget for Sunday School and

Discipleship Training;



The Church Council shall be composed of the following positions:

Deacon Representative

Missions and Outreach Director or Representative

Sunday School Director or Representative

Building & Grounds Representative

Personnel Committee Representative

Church Hostess or Representative

Family Ministry Team Representative

Church Administrator, Non-voting Coordinator of Council

Senior Pastor and Associate Pastors, Advisors

The Church Staff and the members within this council shall lead in the development and

implementation of the work of the church. It shall be the duty of this council to:

Serve as a forum for the church’s leaders to communicate and guide the planning,

coordinating, conducting, and the evaluation of the work of the church not assigned to the


Consider promptly any request from Council members representing their respective

areas, or members of the church, or non-members and groups referred by the Deacons

and respond to the involved parties; and when appropriate, to the church; and,

Any matters of church authority as designated in its Charter and Bylaws will be

coordinated with the Fellowship of Deacons.

All recommendation of the Council must be passed by a majority vote of the Council. Four

voting members present shall constitute a quorum for conducting business within the Council. In

the event that only four voting members are present, all four members on the Council must vote

in favor or a recommendation for it to pass. The Council may not act independently of the church

to any matter involving the church as a whole. The Deacon representative shall report action(s)

of the Council back to the deacons at their next meeting.

This Council shall meet in the month prior to all regularly scheduled church business meetings.



The Church History Committee shall be composed of four members nominated by the

Nominating Committee. Members shall serve a four-year term with one-fourth of the

membership elected annually. Members may not succeed themselves for one year. The

committee will elect its chairperson. The Church Historian, the Media Center Director, and the

Church Clerk shall be ex-officio members. Of the four members nominated, one shall be chosen

as the Church Photographer by the Church History Committee.

The Church Historian’s duty shall be to record the history of the church as it develops;

The Church Photographer’s duty shall be to record the history of the church with

annotated and dated photographs of history in the making. The Church Photographer will

abide by the Church Photographer Policies (Refer to Chapter 10, MEDIA).

The duties of the Church History Committee shall be:

To maintain and preserve the history of the church and display appropriate artifacts;

To verify that records and artifacts are authentic prior to making them a part of the

permanent history of the church. The Deacons will assist in making decisions on


To work with the Finance Committee to incorporate a budget for the Church History

Committee; and,

To report to the church at regular business meetings.



The Church Liaison Team will be comprised of four to six members who are nominated through

the nomination process for a three year term. The Church Liaisons will select their own team

leader. The duties of this team will be to:

Coordinate with the church staff and Church Council on facilities use for all events

according to Chapter 11, FACILITIES USE FOR ALL EVENTSs.

Make recommendations on applications for facility use by non-members to the Church


Assist all church groups as needed with facility use planning.



The Family Ministry Team is made up of representatives from the Children’s, Youth, College,

and Young Adult areas. These representatives will serve as needed and not be appointed for any

specified term. The team will be assembled by the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry and the

Family Ministry Team Leader.

The Family Ministry Team Leader will be selected through the nomination process.

The duties of the Family Ministry Team will be to assist the Associate Pastor for Family Ministry

in the following objectives:

Enable persons in living out family life, according to the purposes and promises of God.

Work with families within and without the church.

Develop the congregational community as a support for family living.

Develop the congregational community in its recognition of its supportive role in


Enable the congregational community in functioning as a faith family.

Organize and facilitate support groups and networks.



The Finance Committee shall be composed of six members nominated by the Nominating

Committee with the Church Treasurer and Church Administrator being ex-officio members. The

committee shall elect its chairperson. Members of this committee shall be elected for a term of

three years with one-third of the members being elected each year. Members may not succeed

themselves for one year. Any vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled at the annual

election. A person serving only one year of an un-expired term may be eligible for re-election.

The duties of the Finance Committee shall be:

To prepare annually a proposed church budget and submit the same with a comparison of

the previous year’s budget to the church in writing at least one week prior to the Annual

Meeting in July. The budget will be discussed and voted on at the Annual Meeting.