Our Vision

Embodying the presence of Christ to Sanford and the world.



Our Mission

By the grace of God and the power of His Holy Spirit, we will embody the presence of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ to Sanford and the world through our worship, our witness, and our way of life as His disciples.

Core Values

We believe that God has called us to be fruitful and to multiply. Therefore, as we grow, we will plant churches and partner with others to advance His Kingdom in our city and beyond.


God-focused intergenerational worship.

Worship is far more about God than about us! In our worship, we gather as the body of Christ-believers from all generations in an encounter with the living God, who has revealed Himself in Scripture and supremely in His Son, Jesus Christ.


We focus on God; He is the center of our worship. We declare and celebrate God’s mighty acts, particularly in Christ, and His presence and work among us through the Holy Spirit.

Bible-centered life-impacting Bible study and discipleship.

Because we believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word, it is central to all that we do.


The Bible bears witness to God’s character, His great eternal redemptive purpose in the world, His saving work in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the way of life He calls us to follow as Jesus’ disciples (individually and as a church).

Hands-on relationship-driven missions.

We are on mission with God in the world, a redemptive mission that is both local and global in scope. Because God has planted us in the city of Sanford, He has given us a special responsibility to bear witness to our city and its surrounding communities through our works, our words, and our way of life.

An accepting and encouraging sense of family where everyone’s voice counts.

We are a family of faith that gladly welcomes anyone who desires to worship with us, and joyfully accepts followers of Christ whom God calls to become a part of our congregation.