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Favored of God
A sermon for the 2022 Advent Season - Week 3 of Advent - Joy.
A sermon from Luke 1:26-38/Luke 1:46-56 from Dr. Calvin Sayles, Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church.
Preparing for the Prince of Peace
A sermon for the 2022 Advent Season - Week 2 of Advent - Peace.
A sermon from Matthew 3:1-12 from Dr. Calvin Sayles, Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church.
No Longer Dead
A sermon on Ephesians 2:1-10, brought to you by Rev. Nick Smetak.
Rev. Smetak serves as the Associate Pastor of Youth, Children, and Families at JHBC.
The Blood
A Communion Message brought to you by Dr. Calvin Sayles.
Fighting Fair
Ephesians 4:25-32
Preparing for the Future
1 Chronicles 17:1-4, 22:1-8
The High Cost of Discipleship
A sermon by Dr. Calvin Sayles, Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church (Sanford, NC).
Main Scripture Passage: Luke 9:51-62
S-2022 E-26
Embracing Peace
A sermon by Dr. Calvin Sayles, Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church of Sanford, NC. This message was preached on June 12th, 2022. (S-2022, E-24)
"It Isn't Me, Lord, Is It?"
A sermon by Dr. Calvin Sayles, Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church of Sanford, NC. This message was preached on June 5th, 2022.
S-2022, E-23
Seasoned with Salt
A sermon from Dr. Calvin Sayles, Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church.
Focus Passage: Colossians 4:2-6