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150th Anniversary Remarks - Mark Gaskins
September 29, 2019 150th Anniversary Remarks by Dr. Mark Gaskins, Senior Pastor, Temple Baptist Church, Wilmington Senior Pastor, 2005-2012 Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NC150th Anniversary Remarks - Eric Davidson
September 29, 2019 150th Anniversary Remarks by Rev. Eric Davidson, Associational Missionary, Sandy Creek Baptist Association Minister of Children and Youth, 1986-1993 Minister of Children, 2002-2007 Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCThe Eternal Two - Fold Outcome: Heaven Or Hell - Cal Sayles
September 15, 2019 “The Eternal Two-Fold Outcome: Heaven or Hell” - Luke 16:19-31 A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCComing In The Clouds - Cal Sayles
September 8, 2019 “Coming in the Clouds” - Daniel 7:13-14, Revelation 1:7-8 A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCThe Mission - Cal Sayles
September 1, 2019 “The Mission” - Luke 4:14:21 A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCEnter The Priesthood - Cal Sayles
August 25, 2019 “Enter the Priesthood” - 1 Peter 2:4-12 A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCEvery Mile Matters - Richard Wood
August 18, 2019 “Every Mile Matters” - Hebrews 11:29-12:3 A sermon by Rev. Richard Wood Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCBe Holy - Cal Sayles
August 11, 2019 “Be Holy” - 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCThe Cross Of Hosea - Cal Sayles
August 4, 2019 “The Cross of Hosea” - Hosea 11:1-11 A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NCFaith Alone - Cal Sayles
July 28, 2019 “Faith Alone” - Galatians 2:11-21 A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford, NC