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    2014-04-13 - "Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord" - Cal Sayles

    A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles entitled “Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord” from Luke 19:28-40.
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    2014-04-06 - "Can Dry Bones Live Again" - Cal Sayles

    A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles entitled “Can Dry Bones Live Again” from Ezekiel 37:1-14.
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    2014-03-30 - "Extravagant Worship" - Cal Sayles

    A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles entitled “Extravagant Worship” from John 12:1-11.
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    2014-03-23 - "Whatever It Takes" - Cal Sayles

    A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles entitled “Whatever it Takes” from 1 Corinthians 9:19-27.
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    2014-03-16 - "The Parachute" - Cal Sayles

    A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles entitled “The Parachute” from Luke 18:18-24.
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    2014-03-09 - "Abide Or Nothing At All" - Cal Sayles

    A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles entitled “Abide or Nothing at All” from John 15:1-11.
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    2014-03-02 - "An Expectation For Greatness" - Cal Sayles

    A sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles entitled "An Expectation for Greatness" from Acts 13:44-52.
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    2014-02-23 - "Waiting For The Flash" - Bailey Edwards Nelson

    A sermon by Rev. Bailey Edwards Nelson. Celebrating the Martha Stearns Marshall Day of Preaching at JHBC.
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    2014-02-02 - "Only One Wish" - Cal Sayles

    Sermon by Dr. Cal Sayles in view of the call to become the senior pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church