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Forgiven - Amazing Grace
The final sermon in the 2 Chronicles 7:14 series by Dr. Gary McCollough, Interim Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church (Sanford, NC).
God Allows U-Turns
A sermon on 2 Chronicles 7:14, by Dr. Gary McCollough, Interim Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church (Sanford, NC)
A Humbling Process
The third sermon in a series on 2 Chronicles 7:14, by Dr. Gary McCollough, Interim Senior Pastor
People of the Name
The second of sermons in a series on 2 Chronicles 7:14, by Dr. Gary McCollough, Interim Senior Pastor.
If and Then, A Powerful Condition
The first of our sermon series on 2 Chronicles 7:14, brought to you by Dr. Gary McCollough, Interim Senior Pastor.
Set Apart for Good Work
A sermon on Acts 6:1-7, brought to you by Interim Senior Pastor, Dr. Gary McCollough. We celebrate as we ordained James Alverson to the Deacon Ministry!
Transforming Worship
A sermon on Romans 12:1-2, brought to you by Dr. Gary McCollough, Interim Senior Pastor of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, Sanford NC.
It Is Your Job
Family Sunday 2023! Listen to the sermon, "It Is Your Job", from Pastor Nick Smetak (Associate Pastor of Youth, Children, and Families, JHBC) on Deuteronomy 6:1-9 (CSB).
Bread from Heaven
A Communion Sunday sermon on John 6:41-59, presented by Interim Senior Pastor, Dr. Gary McCollough.
For the Love of God
A sermon on John 3:16, brought to you by Interim Senior Pastor, Dr. Gary McCollough.